30 jun - 4. jul 2017.

U svom pismu koje je uputio Šekspir festivalu prošle godine, Peter Brook, jedan od najvećih reditelja 20. veka, između ostalog je rekao: ‘’Šekspir je fenomen, kao Sunce i Mesec … njegove drame govore direktno ljudima svih rasa i nivoa, u svakom trenutku svetske istorije… ‘’

Uveren da nam je Šekspir uvek potreban, nije mu bilo teško da uputi nekoliko reči podrške jednom malom, nepoznatom festivalu, koji se bori da opstane uz Šekspira.

Koliko nam je zaista danas potreban Šekspir ? Koliko uopšte pozorište, umetnost ?

Publici koja već četvrtu godinu dolazi u predivan ambijent Vile Stanković u Čortanovcima sigurno jeste .

Za samo tri godine postojanja Šekspir festival je bio domaćin pozorišnim trupama iz: Indije, Velike Britanije, Portugala, Finske, Grčke, Irana, Makedonije, SAD, Slovenije, Belorusije … Svojim predstavama svi oni kao da su doneli jedan mali grumen zlata i ostavili ga ovde kod nas. Ove godine naši gosti biće pozorišta iz Kine i Velike Britanije, sa predstavama ‘’Makbet’’ i “Henri V” . Biće to još jedna prilika za jedinsten pozorišni doživljaj, potpuno novo i neočekivano iskustvo. Upravo zbog toga je važno boriti se za Šekspir festival uprkos svemu .

Nikita Milivojević,

osnivač i direktor Šekspir festivala u Srbiji





30 jun - 4. jul 2017.

In his letter to the last year’s Shakespeare Festival, Peter Brook, one of the greatest directors of the 20th century, wrote: “Shakespeare is a phenomenon, like the Sun and the Moon … his plays can speak directly to people of every race and every level, at every moment of world history”.

Convinced that Shakespeare is still needed, he wanted to address a few words in support of a small, unknown festival which is struggling to survive with Shakespeare.

How much do we really need Shakespeare today? How much do we need theatre or art? The audience which comes for the fourth year to a beautiful setting of 'Villa Stankovic' in Cortanovci certainly does.

In just three years of its existence, Shakespeare Festival has hosted theatre troupes from India, Great Britain, Portugal, Finland, Greece, Iran, Macedonia, the USA, Slovenia, Belarus ... With their performances they all seemed to have brought a small nugget of gold and left it here with us. This year, our guests will be the theatres of China and Great Britain, with representations of ''Macbeth'' and "Henry V". It will be another opportunity for a unique theatrical experience, a completely new and unexpected experience. This is why it is important to fight for the Shakespeare festival in spite of everything.

Nikita Milivojević,

founder and manager of “Shakespeare Festival” in Serbia